I have manifested Bipolar behaviours since early teenhood (even childhood), but was only officially diagnosed in 2007.

Some would say having a diagnosis is like rubber stamping all poor behaviour, but I feel it is to the contrary. Knowing what I am up against and accepting my limitations has given me the freedom to pursue a more normal life with the people I love, doing the things I love, and most important - I am better able to serve the Saviour I love.

It is my hope and prayer that this blog is an encouragement to those with Bipolar and an educational tool to those who suffer through it with a loved one.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Legal / Ethical

OK. So we were studying the legal/ethical consideration of Mental Health Nursing, and a lot of questions were raised. My instructor mentioned something very interesting (and kind of scary!) She said NEVER POST ANYTHING WORK RELATD ON FACEBOOK OR OTHER PUBLIC SITE.

This may seen like a nig DUH to some people - I mean with HIPAA and everything, I would never share anyone's information! BUT we discussed an incident (I don't know who or where this took place...) where a nurse was caring for a patient, and when her shift was over, the nurse went home. Like many of us, she checked her FB and updated her status. Said something like "So tired I can't think straight" or something to that effect. LSS (Long Story Short) - the patient dies later that night, and as often happens, there was a neglect/malpractice investigation. So guess what turns up as evidence against this nurse? YUP! The fact that she, with her own words she had implicated herself - just becasue she flippantly mentioned she was so tired she couldn't think straight! WOW!

I was really looking forward to maintaining this blog and sharing my personal experiences, but now I'm a little frightened! Is my Bipolar going to keep me from getting hired? Will anything written in this blog be used against me later? Hmmm.. I'm still deciding to be honest...

I'm thinking I will continue posting, but I may be a little more guarded than before.

Crazy litigious society!

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