I have manifested Bipolar behaviours since early teenhood (even childhood), but was only officially diagnosed in 2007.

Some would say having a diagnosis is like rubber stamping all poor behaviour, but I feel it is to the contrary. Knowing what I am up against and accepting my limitations has given me the freedom to pursue a more normal life with the people I love, doing the things I love, and most important - I am better able to serve the Saviour I love.

It is my hope and prayer that this blog is an encouragement to those with Bipolar and an educational tool to those who suffer through it with a loved one.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

So what exactly is "normal"?

Normal, in my definition, means able to function in activities of daily living. This includes not only basic hygeine and nutrition, but to be able to hold a job, meet challenges, and perform critical thinking tasks. Normal is being able to maintain relationships with people on all levels - not just the people who love me and are willing to tolerate me, but to be able to carry on a conversation without the other person walking away all freaked out.

In my past, I have had acquaintances who try to avoid me because my (manic) pressured speech was over-stimulating to them, and the fact that I ran around like a rabbit on coffee with only a consistent 2-3 hours of sleep scared them. What planet was I from anyway?! There are a whole slew of other behaviors and poor decision-making I engaged in that I won't go into detail about here. Those are between me and God, and He's forgiven them all, so I don't see any need to glorify them by hashing them out for all to see. Just know that some were annoying, some were bad, and some were very bad. Thank God He had His hand on me for so many years - I would probably be lying in a ditch someplace - dead. Wow - if that had happened, I wouldn;t have the opportunity to share my experiences and possible encourage someone else who may be going through something similar. Praise the Lord!

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