I have manifested Bipolar behaviours since early teenhood (even childhood), but was only officially diagnosed in 2007.

Some would say having a diagnosis is like rubber stamping all poor behaviour, but I feel it is to the contrary. Knowing what I am up against and accepting my limitations has given me the freedom to pursue a more normal life with the people I love, doing the things I love, and most important - I am better able to serve the Saviour I love.

It is my hope and prayer that this blog is an encouragement to those with Bipolar and an educational tool to those who suffer through it with a loved one.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hello.... anyone here?

Sooo... This is my first post on this new blog, and I'm not really sure what to say yet. I would love to say I will be posting on a regular schedule, but I can't guarantee that. What I can promise is that everything I post here will be from the heart. I can also promise that you will probably see some typos since I'm not a very good typist. Another tidbit about me - I am a nursing student and I anticipate graduating in May 2009. The semester is about to start and our first 8 weeks is Mental Health Nursing. I am (for obvious reasons) looking forward to this unit. I have a heart for people with mental disorders, and I'm hoping one day to minister to those who live in bondage to their disorder. The God of all order brought me out of my disorder, and I praise Him for that! No - Bipolar is not cured or gone, but with His help, I am able to live every day as near to my idea of what normal should be as possible.

1 comment:

  1. OOPS! That should say I anticipate graduating May 2010 (Which, BTW, I just did!) :D
